Neutral Space Relaxation® Directors are:


Graham Whiteman

Lyn Whiteman


A simple yet profound restorative bodywork sequence, taught in the UK, Overseas, and Online.


Introduction Days

Practitioner Training

Advanced Practitioner Training

Facilitator Training

Neutral Principle - Transformation

Neutral Coaching

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Designed and co-created by Lyn and Graham, the Relaxation work has evolved with some incredible simple and profound understandings.

For health

For Spiritual Growth

Beyond Mindfulness (Awareness)

Revealing your divine essence within.

For healers and anyone on their healing journey, seekers.


How does it work?

We appreciated that it had to be simple, beginning with a simple sequence of bodywork techniques, which allows the client's body to regain inner balance, feel it and know it.

This Deep Relaxation work assists in bringing about balance of the body and spirit, similar to Mindfulness, which encourages the mind to be calm, and with a holistic approach that harmonises the core of the energy flow and the field within and without, being in alignment with ‘Polarity’ As above so below..

So the core balance that can be achieved by this relaxation, follows the Principles of energy, the Principles of Polarity, that is positive and negative, and must include neutral, the truth is neutral is alaways present, it is the ‘presence’, and the connection to ‘all’

Awareness (Body Mindfulness) is simply a beginning.

Neutral Space Relaxation®, enables Deep Relaxation to be experienced and known, creating awareness of the calm mind, and one's consciousness is, therefore, Relaxed  and Connected.

Main focus is ‘simplicity’.

The main focus of the Neutral is simplicity.

Working on the Occam's Razor Principle.

Further information

Details about Sessions, Training or Facilitation of courses

can be found on this website.



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“…to relax, …to inspire, …to enjoy”

Below is an interview with Lyn and Graham

by Brian of ‘usunlimited’ July 2017

Project Relax

‘Project Relax’ is   Consciousness evolving with relaxation

The Project is to assist with the process of consciousness raising through relaxation.

Allowing the consciousness of man and woman to evolve through their own levels of relaxation.

Moving from the ‘tension/ stress’ model of existence to an open-hearted balance for the whole earth, gentle heart opening through relaxation.

Sharing knowledge of our journey, through training courses, allowing all to benefit by embodying, feeling, and experiencing the pathway and gateway to a joyous existence on this beautiful land.

Access for all through Seated Relaxation, ‘Wake-up touch’, Relaxation Bodywork, Seminars, Facilitator and Practitioner training. Drop-in centres and group support world-wide.

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Phone: +44 (0)7780 705684


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